Picture of Please tell me about the training when you first joined?

Please tell me about the training when you first joined?

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Picture of Marco
1 response

Anonymous asked a question to Micron

Category: Experience

Date asked: Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Last reviewed: Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Picture of Marco P.

Marco P.

My start at Micron has been a bit peculiar. I started on December 18th, around the end of the year, and for the first two days I only attended orientation in the Shinagawa office. On my third day I went to Hiroshima, at F15, where I met the rest of the team and kept learning about all the systems we use, and after another couple of days it was already time for the 忘年会 with all the Team Members in Hiroshima.
I have to say it was quite overwhelming! But from January I started spending lot of time with my supervisor who - very patiently - taught me all I needed to know.
Coming from a Japanese company one thing I noticed at Micron is that you have to speak up: if there is something you do not understand or you want to know you have to go to your supervisor and ask. At my previous company this was quite different...

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

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